Open Governance
6 Sichuan Scenic Spots Officially Approved as National AAAA

  6 Sichuan scenic spots have been officially approved as national AAAA level ones. By now, there have been 175 national AAAA scenic spots in Sichuan.

  These 6 newly approved national AAAA level scenic sports include Ya'an Baoxing Fengtong Village Dengchi Valley Scenic Spot, Ya'an Baoxing Lingguan Shicheng Scenic Spot, Ya'an Lushan Janjiang Ancient Township Scenic Spot, Luzhou Naxi District Spring Scenic Spot, Leshan Lvbotiandi Scenic Spot, and Ganzi Danba Jiaju Tibet Village Scenic Spot. Among these 6 scenic spots, 3 scenic spots are located in Ya'an, indicating the achievements of reconstruction and rebuilding of Ya'an after earthquake. Luzhou Naxi District Spring Scenic Spot has also increased the scale of leisure tourism spring sites in Sichuan. Leshan Lvbotiandi Scenic Spot has also brought different urban and exhibition tourism experiences. Ganzi Danba Jiaju Tibet Village Scenic Spot embodies the perfect combination of beautiful scenery and culture.

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